Of course, it’s advised that you continue seeing your dentist on a regular basis as you continue receiving your orthodontic treatment. This ensures that you follow proper oral hygiene and care to ensure the teeth remain clean as well as healthy.
Instead of braces that tend to be visible, you can opt for Invisalign that uses nearly invisible plastic aligners to help align your teeth and move them into position.
Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for kids, nowadays with modern techniques and materials, mature patients can happily have this kind of treatment. Treatment for adult patients can commence at any age provided that their gums, teeth, and supports are healthy.
While no referral is needed, it is recommended that you visit your dentist to get checkups before you can have the braces fitted.
Different types of braces are available and include metal or traditional braces comprising metal brackets with wires. There are ceramic braces that blend with your tooth colour. Invisalign are mouthguards such as clear plastic aligners and are removable and replaced about every two weeks.
If your child has early, late, or even irregular baby teeth loss and is having difficulty chewing, they may need braces. If the child is mouth breathing and finger sucking or they have crowded, blocked-out teeth, or misplaced teeth, they may need braces. If a child bites the mouth’s roof or the cheek and his or her teeth are meeting abnormally or they don’t meet at, again, the child may need braces.
The treatment options are Invisalign, braces, and plates to help straighten teeth that are crooked and fix bad bites as well as align the jaws.